Guestbook Join 

Name / Alias: :   Barbara & Don
Message: :   Hi Gav Wishing you a very happy new year. Off to Oz next week. Are you having a great time or wishing you were home in this cold freezing weather. Good luck Barb & Don xx
Submit Date: :   6/01/02
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Marc
Message: :   If you get 19yr old jap birds signing your guest book, I might bally well do it myself. Do they have 5* hotels in the Sudan? Is you been forced to drink your own p**s yet? Why do I have these questions? Oh thats right, because I'm stuck in an office!!!!!
Submit Date: :   08/01/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Chris Bradley (Bradders)
Message: :   Hi Gav, Nice one mate, you have done well to get this far with the landi, top pics mate, shocked that you have not been arrested or shot at! take care and hopefully see you when you return. Top Bloke - live that dream!
Submit Date: :   08/01/2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Mayumi
Message: :   Dan san and Gavin san, Akemashite Omedetou. Kotoshi mo Kiwotsukete, Ganbatte ne(^-^)
Submit Date: :   08/01/2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   M
Message: :   Good site chaps. Enjoyed the diary and the photos. Keep it up.
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E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Fiona
Message: :   Hi Boyz - you seem to be having fun. I'm looking to get in touch with you for a bit of info re Sudan. I'm currently in Dahab with a truck load of rock climbers heading southwards. Bumped into Stu (North bound Landrover) who passed on your website address.
Submit Date: :   21.01.02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Ayako/Japan
Message: :   こんにちわ!!!!! Mr.Dxxk Head DAN!!! げんき?It's Ayako from Mizuhodai! Do you remember me??? Maybe not... :( Mayumi taught me about this home page. Happy to see your face! :) じゃ、またね :)
Submit Date: :   21th Jan 2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Fiona Hanks
Message: :   Hi Guys sounds like you're having fun. I'm coming to Sudan soon and looking for info could you pls email me on the address below. Much appreciated.
Submit Date: :   27.01.02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Lynne
Message: :   Gav not heard from you for a while hun - hope you and Dan are ok - take care won't you? Hope to hear from you soon
Submit Date: :   01.02.2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Newfie
Message: :   Glad to see you boys are still alive and kicking. Dan please keep an eye out for those land mines and camels that don't use the crosswalk!! Be good, take care. Pete S.
Submit Date: :   Feb. 4, 2002
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Matt Poe
Message: :   Wow, looks great! What are you eating?
Submit Date: :   Feb 5, 2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Pete SInclair
Message: :   Keep up the good work. It makes a very pleasant change to read something which doesn't take itslef too seriously. Sounds like you're having the usual mixture of fun and hassle. My wife and I together with our 3 kids are planning to do the same trip in the
Submit Date: :   6th. Feb 2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   NOB
Message: :   Hello. I think you might become very wild and got sunburn, did you? I really want to meet and hear about your long trip. Take care and don't miss your way to home.
Submit Date: :   7/2/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   zurich bint
Message: :   do who have nicer bottoms...little Sudanese boys or little Kenyan boys?
Submit Date: :   08/02/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Junko Ezure
Message: :   Hi Dan! I'm really glad that you are still alive!!! You look great and I hope you'll succeed in this fantastic trip. Many of your pictures were so beautiful that I was impressed so much. Take care and drive safely and...Do not forget ME!!!
Submit Date: :   Feb. 11. 2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Megumi Ezure
Message: :   Hi ! How are you? Bye!!
Submit Date: :   2/11/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Caroline Baxter
Message: :   Hi Babes (Dan) Its me - missing you. Hope all is well and you are having a fab time. Regards Caroline
Submit Date: :   11/02/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Sharon
Message: :   Gav Hope you are OK and Dan! Happy Birthday for 19th. Take Care Love Sharon and Gareth xxx
Submit Date: :   13/02/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   EL Sid
Message: :   Dan,i've still got the crutches in the garage from your last accident,do you want them sent on? Only 7 lives left now son,better take care of them.Many thanks to Gav for his promt action Dan said you were brilliant.Good luck both if you continue. Sid.
Submit Date: :   17/2/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Gav's Mum
Message: :   Hi Gav and Dan Hope you are both feeling better Happy Birthday for 19th Gav Miss you lots .good luck Mum and Dad and all at homexxxxx
Submit Date: :   18 02 02
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Jay
Message: :   Gav, Great talking to you too. Happy birthday for the 19th (I remember last year)!!! Dan hope the leg is ok. Good luck with the landy. Luv Jay xxx
Submit Date: :   19/02/02
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   mummy/bunty
Message: :   daniel, when you were only 3 years old, you collected pebbles on the beach,you gave me 5 and exclaimed "these will keep you safe mummy"!!!Enjoy your adventures daniel, but please return safely.
Submit Date: :   18.02.02.
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Kinky Kim
Message: :   Hi Dan Hope your feeling ok, and the leg is on the mend, oh ye better let you know who I am work with your mad mom, one of the many blondes, your mom's calmed down now she know's your ok and you've had a few drugs (no change there) your pic's on the web
Submit Date: :   19-02-02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Michelle
Message: :   Hi Dan (+ Gav) Hope you are feeling alright now. Dan ... I see your fetish of dressing up in dresses hasn't subsided yet!! Hope you are able to carry on with your travels. Michelle
Submit Date: :   19-02-02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   wench
Message: :   tell the naked belgian that i want to paddle his bottom!
Submit Date: :   Feb 20, 2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Dimitris
Message: :   Hi Gav, it's Dimitris(remember me?). You are insane man. Hopefully, I'll do the same some day. I hope you and your mate are alright out there. Take care and come around when you're back. Dimitris
Submit Date: :   20/2/2002
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Lincoln@catch22
Message: :   Gav Have been following your quest from day one. when you came to the office just before you left, Brilliant site by the way, have included it on my linc page "GLAD YOUR BOTH OKAY AFTER THE CRASH" keep on truckin Lincoln
Submit Date: :   24 Feb
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Jenny
Message: :   Hi Dan - I work with your mom at the University - poor me. Sorry to hear about your accident - you're lucky the cut wasn't a few inches higher, it could have ruined the family jewels. Never mind - if you're still in discomfort when you return, look me up
Submit Date: :   25.2.02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Louise Barker
Message: :   Hope you're ok and continuing your fantastic journey. I'm now a mummy!! Is that so hard to believe??!! Invitation still open for your return journey back thro' Italy. Love, Lou, Max & EMILY xxxx
Submit Date: :   25/02/02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Mahmoud
Message: :   Hallo old chaps, remember me from Egypt? Do you want a feluca? Camelride? Grass? Why?
Submit Date: :   
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Jay
Message: :   Good luck Gav, I know you can do it. I am so proud of you. Safe journey back Dan. Love always, Jay xxx
Submit Date: :   28/2/2
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Janie and John
Message: :   Hi Gav, Apparently the prodigal has returned. The Moet is on ice as per instructions, but alas no sightings of our errant boy yet (no change there). A big thank you for your help and support when the chips were down for Daniel Safe travels Gav during the
Submit Date: :   5.3.02.
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Janie
Message: :   May I extend a BIG THANK YOU to Carl, web page Master, who has received plenty of GBH of the ear listening to my constant anxieties. Much appreciated.
Submit Date: :   5..3.02.
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   tillymint4 (Julie-Gavs mums friend)
Message: :   Good luck Gav, drive careful, enjoy the rest of your trip, hope you complete your trip 'problem free' now :-) keep smiling.
Submit Date: :   5.3.02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   Kay
Message: :   Gav You always said you only live once!! You're certainly making the most of it, you nutcase! Look after yourself, and get back in one piece! Looking forward to a few beers, you owe me a few!! Love Kay xx
Submit Date: :   06.03.02
E-mail Address :
Name / Alias: :   GAV'S MUM
Message: :   Good luck Gav and Wouter Please take care Cape Town Is waiting arranged flags& brass band for arrival.Had Dans reassuring phone call he's home safe and sound & he's on the mend love from all xxxxx
Submit Date: :   10/03/02
E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   
Message: :   Duncan, Duncan Ferguson, Duncan, Duncan Ferguson, Duncan, Duncan Ferguson,!!! Guess who is back, causing hell?
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E-mail Address :   
Name / Alias: :   Mahmoud
Message: :   Boys, I just saw the malawi pics. Good stuff but how did Wouter's weapon get so big- what happened????
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